For only being three letters long, sex is a pretty big part of the way the world works. I find it very hard for someone to argue that sex is not a huge factor in why people act the way they do. The very existence of life derives from the act of sexual intercourse. Well, actually it once used to, but thanks to modern technology procedures such as artificial insemination can now create life. I read once somewhere that sex is the key to human civilization. That most scientists believe sexual selection (men doing things to impress women so that women will have sex with them) is probably the reason culture exits at all. I read this in one of Tucker Max’s books and even though over 90% of the book is crude humor and derogatory to women this part oddly made some sense to me. He goes on to argue that men have created art, built business, donated to charity, and invented things, to impress women- to eventually have sex with them. I always knew most of the time woman had the upper-hand, and as Samantha from “Sex and the City” once put it as “The Power of the Pussy”. But what I was reading from Max made realize how true it was to say the will to impress a woman motivates men to do great things, but also the ridiculous stuff as well (body spray, hair gel, tanning beds, chest waxing, etc).
The primitive motive at one time used to be for mating to keep generating life. I would say at a point sexual selection was more important than natural selection. Now with the way society is, I am not so sure how the whole thing works. It seemed easier before the Pandora Box full of disease, rapists, and adversity was open. Sex went from being a sacred act to one of the most taboo subjects in modern culture. And all these messages about sex through the media affect every single person viewing them in different ways. On top of that how those individuals were raised all has an effect on how a human being acts sexually as well.
Personally I feel a person ultimately needs to be emotionally stable to enter in a sexual relationship. If this person cannot create a solid line taking away their emotions from the act than it is inevitable that relationship will falter in the end. That is my opinion in the means of the conventional friends with benefits, no strings attached sort of relationship.
Those relationships often can turn in two ways: disaster or disaster down the line. Like I mentioned before, these relationships are inevitable to end poorly. I believe this because I believe the term sexual intercourse can be broken into two categories: lovemaking and lustmaking.
It is easy to get caught up emotionally when in a sexual relationship with no terms or boundaries with the other person. It is supposed to be uncomplicated when you’re married because those rings and vows are supposed to entitle each person to one and another. Helps make it easier to believe they are faithful to each other. But without those rings it is just empty promises or I love yous that people need to rely on to mentally stay stable. Most often than not someone will overreact and it will end in disaster.
However there are some people out there whose issues of attachment and commitment have enabled them to develop a skill of being able to emotionally detach themselves from sex. It’s not love. It’s lustmaking with a good friend, a drinking buddy, whomever. I think my dual meaning of sex makes it easier to accept all kinds of sexual choices, as long as the person can handle their emotions and safety, all is fair game, free of judgment.
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